Trees & Shrubs for your Landscaping Projects
We have a wide variety of Trees & Shrubs available for your landscape project. You can pick out plants at any landscape or garden centre in Calgary or we can make suggestions for you. We believe that since you could be living with your plants for the next 2-25 years, you need to see what they look like in person before you make a decision.
Starting prices for Delivery and Installation (cost of tree/plant is included)
5 Gallon: $150
10 Gallon: $250
15 Gallon: $340
20 Gallon: $415
Caliper (40-70mm): $625

Key Benefits of the Service
Extend your home with a beautiful garden
Your property value increases in value with additions to your landscape design
Aesthetic garden beauty that improves with age
A landscaped backyard has been shown to reduce stress levels
One tree can remove 26 pounds of CO2 per year, equivalent to 11,000 miles of car emissions